Please note: We strongly recommend purchasing tickets in advance to guarantee entry, as we do sell out during holiday weekends.
Hansen Johnson, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
Kraus Marine Mammal Conservation Program, Anderson Cabot Center for Ocean LifeEducation
PhD, Biological Oceanography, Dalhousie University, 2022
BSc, Biology, Bates College, 2013
Hansen has been involved in marine science since the sounds of bowhead whales first captured his attention in 2011. He completed an undergraduate thesis on bowhead whale acoustics at Bates College, then enrolled in graduate school at Dalhousie University. His graduate studies focused on advancing baleen monitoring and conservation with passive acoustics, habitat ecology, and new technology. He went on to work as the captain of a research sailboat conducting studies of sperm and beaked whales. Hansen joined the Kraus Marine Mammal Conservation Program in 2023. Much of his work with the team focuses on facilitating vessel-based fieldwork and conducting research to inform the conservation of North Atlantic right whales and other marine species. He also developed and maintains WhaleMap and remains involved in a variety of other research activities.