Emily Jones
Scientific Program Officer
Fisheries Science and Emerging Technologies Program, Anderson Cabot Center for Ocean LifeEducation
MS, Marine Biology, Northeastern University, 2012
BA, Biology and English, Wellesley College, 2007
Emily Jones is a scientific program officer in the Fisheries Science and Emerging Technologies Program. Emily began working at the New England Aquarium in 2011 as a research intern while completing her master’s degree in marine biology at Northeastern University. Her work largely focuses on answering fisheries-related questions in order to aid the sustainable management of species of conservation and/or management importance. Emily also serves as the coordinator for the New England Aquarium’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee.
Recent Publications
A pilot study on surgical implantation and efficacy of acoustic transmitters in fifteen loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta), 2021–2022
Aquarium Affiliate Author(s): Charles Innis, VMD, DABVP (RA), Adam Kennedy, Jeff Kneebone, PhD, Emily Jones, Melissa Joblon, DVM, Kathryn Tuxbury, DVM, Elizabeth Burgess, PhD, Kara Dodge, PhD
Published November 08, 2023 -
Understanding recreational angler diversity and its potential implications on promoting responsible fishing practices in a multispecies Gulf of Maine fishery
Aquarium Affiliate Author(s): Emily Jones, John Mandelman, PhD
Published February 26, 2022 -
Reducing bycatch impacts in recreational fisheries: case study examining terminal tackle in the multispecies Gulf of Maine groundfish fishery
Aquarium Affiliate Author(s): Emily Jones, John Mandelman, PhD
Published March 29, 2021