

ClimaTeens come from different backgrounds but are united by a common interest in combating climate change. Teens 13 and up can apply in late August for the next ClimaTeens cohort. The application will be posted on this website from late August through late September each year.

What do ClimaTeens do?

Each year, ClimaTeens begin the program by learning about various subjects related to climate change mitigation, such as climate science, community organizing, and how to talk about climate change. They then move on to developing and executing projects that bring climate change education to the community.

What makes a successful ClimaTeen?

Successful ClimaTeens are:

  • Concerned about ocean and climate issues and want to help develop solutions to prevent harmful impacts.
  • Excited about learning and want to contribute toward a group learning process.
  • Motivated and will work independently when asked.
  • Ready to read about ocean and climate impacts.
  • Supportive of goals developed by the group.
  • Active participants looking forward to connecting with other teens who are passionate about protecting the ocean.

What are examples of past projects?

Past ClimaTeen projects include:

  • A tabletop activity about composting’s impacts on the climate that was facilitated at local summits and fairs.
  • In partnership with Zumix, wrote and developed a song about climate change and communities called Let’s Give Back.
  • A tabletop activity highlighting the journey our food takes to reach us and the carbon impacts of that journey.
  • Collaborative work of art about climate change, developed in partnership with the Institute of Contemporary Art.

ClimaTeens in Action

  • ClimaTeens meet Senator Markey at a Climate Strike in Boston.
    ClimaTeens meet Senator Markey at a Climate Strike in Boston.
  • ClimaTeens at a Climate Strike in Boston
    ClimaTeens at a Climate Strike in Boston
  • ClimaTeens at a Climate Strike in Boston
    ClimaTeens at a Climate Strike in Boston


Share Your Feedback

Email with questions or comments about ClimaTeens. We especially welcome your thoughts and feedback on ClimaTeens presentations!
