Amazon Rainforest

Amazon Rainforest exhibits at the New England Aquarium
Amazon Rainforest exhibits at the New England Aquarium
Explore the Amazon River and Amazon Rainforest—seeing its resident piranhas, anacondas, electric eels, poison dart frogs, and more—without getting wet or needing bug spray.

Know Before You Go

Why does the Aquarium have freshwater exhibits like these when our focus is ocean conservation? Well, most of the Earth’s water begins its journey to the ocean by flowing from the land, through soils and sands, down through freshwater streams, rivers, and other waterways. They are an essential part of Earth’s ecosystem.

  • Several Amazon Rainforest exhibits feature large windows reaching nearly to the floor, providing perfect viewing opportunities for small children. 
  • Aquarium educators are often present around these exhibits to provide in-depth information about the Amazon rainforest, animals that live there, and conservation. Feel free to ask them if you have any questions!

The Amazing Amazon Rainforest

The Amazon rainforest is one of the most diverse habitats in the world. The forests, rivers, and lakes are home to uncountable numbers of species, including animals and plants that have yet to be discovered. The New England Aquarium’s Amazon exhibits feature hundreds of live plants and life-like fiberglass replicas of gigantic rainforest trees, vines, and termite mounds.

Poison dart frog one of the Amazon Rainforest exhibits
Poison dart frog

Rainforest Deforestation Impacts Many Animals—Including Humans

The Amazon rainforest is an extremely important ecosystem for the health of the entire planet. It supplies 20% of Earth’s oxygen and plays a critical role in combating climate change, as the rainforest acts as a "sponge," absorbing billions of metric tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Electric eel
Electric eel

You Can Help the Amazon From Home

It’s easy to feel far away when we think of the problems the Amazon rainforest is facing, but you can help no matter where you live by reducing your carbon footprint, skipping products with palm oil, and ensuring products that are often harvested from the Amazon region—such as coffee and chocolate—were sourced in a responsible way.

Uaru in the Amazon Flooded Forest exhibit
Uaru in the Amazon Flooded Forest exhibit

Take a Look Around

  • Amazon Flooded Forest
    Amazon Flooded Forest
  • Piranha exhibit
    Piranha exhibit
  • Amazon exhibits are in the Freshwater Gallery
    Amazon exhibits are in the Freshwater Gallery
  • A turtle swims in the Anaconda exhibit
    A turtle swims in the Anaconda exhibit



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