Patricia Leonard
Assistant Curator of Pinnipeds
Animal Care, New England AquariumEducation
BS, Biology, Providence College
Patty Leonard is the assistant curator of the pinniped team, a group of trainers who care for Atlantic harbor seals and California sea lions, amongst other species. Patty’s career at the Aquarium started out in 2003 as a volunteer working with marine mammals, and her passion for the animals has led to 20 years of dedication to spreading a message of conservation about the marine animals in our care and the ways that our visitors can have a positive impact on the blue planet.
With the support of the Aquarium, Patty has had the opportunity to work on population studies on northern fur seals in Alaska, participated in grey seal research in Massachusetts, and is currently working on completing her master’s with a degree in environmental science through a partnership between the Aquarium and UMass Boston.