Science of Sharks

Science of Sharks
Science of Sharks
Discover a new understanding and appreciation of shark species. Learn about the remarkable adaptations that give them an edge in the water and our researchers’ work studying them.

Know Before You Go

Watch a developing epaulette shark pup wriggle in its egg case, and see if you can spot a horn shark as you explore this exhibit. 

  • The sharks in this exhibit are smaller than many visitors expect, but they represent the majority of shark species: Of the 500 species, around 80% are about four feet long or less! 



The Diverse Oceans Sharks Call Home

From Indonesia to South Africa to Australia and beyond, different shark species have evolved to live in nearly every ocean environment. Though many people fear sharks due to their apex predator status, sharks play an essential role in ocean health and, by extension, human health.

Science of Sharks habitat
Science of Sharks habitat

Our Anderson Cabot Center for Ocean Life Studies Sharks to Save Them

More than 300 shark and ray species are threatened with extinction as of 2020 due to threats like overfishing and climate change. Among many other projects, Anderson Cabot Center for Ocean Life researchers evaluate the effects of fishing gear and practices on sharks and explore methods to avoid or decrease the harm caused by fishers accidentally catching sharks.

Science of Sharks: tagging sharks
Science of Sharks: tagging sharks

Take a Look Around

  • A young visitor explores shark adaptations
    A young visitor explores shark adaptations
  • Shark pups on exhibit in the Science of Sharks
    Shark pups on exhibit in the Science of Sharks
  • Science of Sharks video wall
    Science of Sharks video wall



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